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Map Four Continents
[ Скачать с сервера (1.53 Mb) · Скриншот ] 11.01.2009, 13:04
Four Continents - mapon 4 players.
New map Four Continents (or the Dump in a bog).
Map on four players. The basic battle will pass in a bog, in the center of a map. Due to an impassable bog battle will be long. As unusual settlements on this card: strong garrison groups and the real prices for upgrades. And as the fourth upgrade is entered.
Note:Because of a complex structureof district(breaking roads and the central almost impassable bog) at game with a computer I advise to choose England, Russia, France, and the others for some reason very badly understand district.
As on this card "aide-de-camps" on 1 each player are put. You can investigate a card in the beginning of game due to them. Aide-de-camps borrow 1 inhabited place.
Installation: Before installation close Cossacks. Open archive, and start a file of installation of map.
Категория: Cossacks-english files | Добавил: Tigrosoft
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